Third Grade Handbook
Welcome to 3rd grade! It is going to be an exciting year full of learning and growing. My name is Ms. Emy Jasso, and this is my 6th year of teaching. I am a graduate of TAMIU and have a degree in Bilingual Education. I am a certified Gifted and Talented Instructor. I would like to take the time to give you information about the class so that you can familiarize yourself with your child’s daily routine.
Class Schedule
Class starts promptly at 7:30, breakfast in the classroom will start on the first day of school from 7:30-7:45 am, so it is important that your child arrives on time. A student will be counted tardy student after 7:45 am. Four tardies count as one absence for award purposes. We dismiss at 3:00 at the side entrance of Borchers, by the cafeteria.
7:30-8:00 Breakfast/Morning work
8:00-11:40 Reading/Language Arts/S.S./Science
11:45-12:00 Recess
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-12:45 Introduce Math
12:45-1:30 GYM/Music/Computers
1:30-3:00 Math
3:00 Dismissal
If your child is missing any supplies, please send them as soon as possible. Students will need 5 composition notebooks. I may ask for other supplies during the year if needed. Students will need their own personal pair of earbuds so they can use the class Chromebooks.
Toys, electronics, slime, Pokémon Cards, and fidget spinners are not allowed. Please do not let your child bring these items from home. They cause a big distraction and other kids always want to borrow them. If a child brings a toy to school, I will pick it up and only return it to the parents.
Homework/ Study Guide
I will be posting all study guides online on our class page every Monday. Students will not be given a paper copy of the study guide. The study guide has your child’s spelling list, vocabulary words, and definitions. It is important that your child learns all the vocabulary for each subject each week. One technique for vocabulary has proven to be very effective in making cards for vocabulary words. Students can also practice their spelling words using the Spelling City website found on our class webpage. Parents, please check that homework is completed, students will have homework every day except Fridays. In the class page, the homework page is a live document, so if homework changes for the day you will see those changes immediately. It is very important that your child learn to access the class web page, study guide, and homework sheet.
All classwork must be completed in class. Students will be given enough time to complete their assignments before moving to another subject. If a child is falling behind on their work because they do not understand a concept, I will work with them on their assignment. If they are falling behind because of discipline, they will complete it during their own free time. They will not be allowed to complete classwork at home.
Please review spelling words with your child every day as the test grades count as 50% of your child’s grade. All subjects: Reading, vocabulary, language arts, spelling, math, science, and social studies test will be given on Fridays.
This year we continue implementing the P.B.I.S. program (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports). We will be enforcing 3 school wide rules:
Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible
Each student earns stickers if they adhere to the PBIS Guidelines. Students can redeem 10 stickers for prizes.
Your child is responsible for their own behavior and conferences will be held upon need. I do call or text parents occasionally during the week, mostly for positive notes. I like to have open communication with parents and I know with our busy schedules it is hard to communicate verbally. Please feel free to communicate with me via email or class dojo at any time during the day. I will check my email and dojo messages every morning, during planning, and at the end of the day. I do not check messages after 4:30 pm.
I do have very high expectations for my students. I want all students to learn as well as enjoy attending school, so I focus on good behavior in class and I reward those students who are working to do their best.
Positive Reinforcement
In the classroom, I use Class Dojo to reinforce good behavior. You will be hearing about this from your child. Every time a child is caught doing something good or following rules, I give them a sticker and points for prizes. (Examples: 15 min free computer time, sit in the teacher's chair, free book, incentives, etc.)
I will be using Class Dojo to communicate with parents. Please make sure that you enroll in Class Dojo by following the instructions on the page provided at Supply Drop-Off. I will share information, pictures, and reminders. Make sure you check our Class Story on Dojo too. I often show pictures of what we are doing in class and I post reminders of upcoming events.
Parent Conferences
I understand that work schedules can conflict with the school schedule, so we can also have phone conferences or meet before or after school. If you cannot meet during my planning period, please let me know so we can make special arrangements.
Birthdays will only be celebrated on Fridays at 2:40 pm. If your child has a birthday that you’d wish to celebrate in class, please make arrangements with me to set aside the Friday for your child’s celebration.
Third grade dismissal is outside by the cafeteria. Please keep the cars moving forward to help alleviate the traffic. If you have made arrangements for another parent or relative to pick up your child, please send a note, email, or message through Class Dojo.
I know that a lot of questions will arise throughout the year, so please feel free to ask. You may reach me by e-mail at or through Class Dojo. Your messages to me on Class Dojo are private, no other parents can see them. Only the Class Story comments are public. I also have a class website with class information. You can access our class page by visiting the Borchers’ website ( Click on the following: Campus Info - Campus Directory- Page 2 - Ms. Jasso - view website. On the website, I will have class information, Weekly Study Guide, Weekly Homework Page (live document), Spelling City link, a Tumblebooks link, a Prodigy Math link, and other educational websites.
I look forward to meeting all the parents, and I know this year will be a fantastic experience for your child. By working together, we will help your child will reach his/her full potential.
Thank you,
Ms. Jasso