Selection Process
The following is the Recommended Selection Procedure for use by chapters of the National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS). These procedures reflect the age-appropriate steps in creating public recognition for outstanding elementary school students. They also reflect the guidelines outlined in the NEHS National Constitution.
As the first step in the process, students’ academic records are reviewed to determine the students who are scholastically eligible for membership, i.e., those students who meet or exceed the required cumulative 95 GPA standard and are identified, therefore, as Candidates.
Students who are eligible scholastically (i.e., "candidates") are to be notified and informed that for further consideration for selection to the chapter, they are to complete the Candidate’s Form. This form outlines the candidate's accomplishments in the areas of Responsibility, Service, and Leadership.
Input regarding candidates for membership is solicited from faculty. Faculty input is considered beneficial and is done on a Faculty Evaluation Form.
The Candidate Forms and Faculty Evaluation Forms will be reviewed by the Faculty Council, along with any other verifiable and relevant information about the candidates. The Scholarship and Responsibility of each individual candidate should be reviewed carefully. Faculty Council members deliberate (i.e., talk among themselves during the meeting of the council) in order to guarantee that their individual decisions are based on accurate and complete understandings of all information presented. Voting: With the review completed, a vote is taken on each candidate. Those candidates receiving a majority vote of the faculty council will be invited for induction into the chapter (a unanimous vote is not required). All candidates identified and listed as "not selected" (i.e., those who do not receive the majority vote of the faculty council) will be notified, that they were not selected. They will be encouraged to reapply the following year.